"Lutherans Embracing the Earth Charter" website launched

Susan Meier
March 27, 2021
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ELCA and the Earth Charter

Faith Lutheran is supporting the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)'s effort to implement the Earth Charter through Susan Meier's leadership of the Delaware-Maryland Synod's Earth Charter Team. The ELCA endorsed the Earth Charter at the church-wide assembly on the 4th of October 2019.  This was important because even though Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) and the ELCA’s programs and social statements align with the Earth Charter principles, the formal endorsement of the Earth Charter testifies to beliefs in 1) the interrelatedness of all beings, and 2) a commitment to sustainability efforts, hastening an end to the struggle for justice and peace and practicing the joyful celebration of life. And the endorsement paves the way for individual congregations to embrace the Earth Charter in different ways, as needs are identified within each community.

For more information, see the website Susan and her team launched in March 2021: Lutherans Embracing the Earth Charter.